Home Team Prefix: Home Team: Edit Team Name:
Optionally edit how you want the home team name to be displayed
Visit Team Prefix: Visit Team: Edit Team Name:
Optionally edit how you want the visit team name to be displayed
Output style?
Name only (no country) "Will Brown"
Name (CTY) "Will Brown (USA)"
Name of Team Country - Getty "Catherine Skinner of Team Australia" or "Will Brown of Team United States"
Name of country"Catherine Skinner of Australia" or "Will Brown"
Name, of country, "Catherine Skinner, of Australia," or "Will Brown, of the United States of America,"
How to create codes? Prefix + Initials Country Code + Initials
Upper or lower case codes?
Include multiple tab codes (only if short code / long name is selected)?
Include useful codes?
Flag Duplicate Codes? Yes
Include bracketed keywords?
Yes [last, first],
Yes [first last]
Selecting this option will include codes for bracketed
keywords for the various players. For example, if the [last, first],
option is selected, in addition to the normal code for a player will also be created. Note: there is a comma appeneded to the "[last, first]," option
Please check your extraction files and codes for accuracy.